Zi Wei Dou Shu Beginner’s COURSE
Deciphering The Si Hua System of Flying Stars Zi Wei Dou Shu
Gagan will teach the live 8-week online course via Zoom or Live Webinar starting December 6th, 2024.

$200 Early Bird Savings. Regular price for this course is $1288 so enroll now and save $200 or take advantage of low monthly payments. Enrollment for this first cohort and savings will end on November 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm US Central Standard Time. Live Course starts on Friday night, December 6th, US Central Standard Time to accommodate international learners.
What will you learn in this zi wei dou shu beginner’s course?

In this 8-week live course, you will learn to decipher the basics of Zi Wei Dou Shu astrology. Through practical application and knowledge shared in this course you will begin to apply Zi Wei Dou Shu to your situations in life. At the end of this 8-week live course, you will be able to:
- Discover and learn the essential components of a ZWDS destiny chart focusing on the Si Hua system.
- Discuss basic concepts of ZWDS Chinese astrology Si Hua system.
- Distinguish and interpret the three key ZWDS charts and their relationships to life map reading.
- Recognize the critical aspects of the flying stars Si Hua ZWDS methodology.
- Confidently recall the fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics and how ZWDS destiny size fits into this equation.
- Learn and discuss the 12 Palaces of the ZWDS method and their relationship to each other.
- Understand the 14 Major Stars, four auxiliary stars, and the Si Hua in the ZWDS system.
- Apply the knowledge gained during the course to your personal ZWDS destiny chart while investigating case studies to deepen your understanding of the ZWDS concepts.
Gagan will teach this live course over 8 sessions (90 minutes each) starting December 2024. Minimum 15 students required for the class.
ONE-time fee
4 Payments option
DO YOU DESIRE TO decode your destiny using ZWDS?
Learning Zi Wei Dou Shu is not for everyone. However, if you have been desiring to decode your destiny and use destiny science as a tool to enhance and elevate your life, relationships, career, finances, and health, you have come to the right place. ZWDS is a highly effective astrology modality to find out what destiny has in store for you. It's an ancient Chinese art that can reveal your life path, career, love, money, wealth, and more.
This 8-week live course will teach you the basics of Zi Wei Dou Shu astrology. You will learn how to decode your destiny using the Flying Stars Si Hua system and plot your life map. Furthermore, you will also have access to Chinese Metaphysics Academy — the accompanying online platform to live courses, that will also allow you to download all course materials, participate in off-line group discussions, revisit previous lessons taught, as well as access the course from any device.
Who is Zi Wei Dou Shu Course For?
This live ZWDS Beginner’s course is for you, if:
- Firstly, you are interested in learning and applying Chinese Metaphysics and Astrology system as a personal development tool.
- Secondly, you have had a Life Map Reading done with me and are super curious to learn destiny science modality!
- Thirdly, you a person going through some significant transitions in your life and business, and are seeking solutions.
- Fourthly, you are sick and tired of being in a rut, what I call a “downward-spiral,” for way too long, and no matter what you do, how hard you try, you can’t seem to get out of it.
- Another one is if you believe in the metaphysics and mysticism of life and nature. Please note, we respect and regard all religions and welcome students of various faiths and beliefs.
- You feel stuck, frustrated, or even worthless in your life, relationships, career, or business.
- Finally, you are tight on a budget and cannot afford my private coaching, then this course is for you!
Here’s What Others Are Saying About Zi Wei Dou Shu related Products and Services

Kellie O’Brien, Digital and Content Marketing Consultant, Australia
Bruce Green, Operations Manager, Arizona
Joanne Danckwardt, Real Estate Broker and Agency Owner, Australia
Tobey Terry, Beauty Business Coach, California
Hi, I am Gagan Sarkaria — Your instructor for the course

I am so glad to announce the live cohort of Zi Wei Dou Shu Beginner’s Course. My name is Gagan Sarkaria and I am a Soulful Life and High Achievement Business Coach, Abundance Manifestation Expert, Chinese Astrologer, and Feng Shui Master. Also, I am the creator and founder of Abundance Manifestation Academy and Chinese Metaphysics Academy. As a matter of fact, I started my career as a Graphic Designer 30 years ago, and still operate my Digital Marketing and Design Agency serving local, national and international clients.
I am a university professor turned full-time entrepreneur. Additionally, I have taught in higher education for 20 years, and have held upper management positions throughout my career. Training and Development is my passion, and about a decade ago, I tapped into the beautiful world of energy healing, and divination. I have been fascinated with the world of astrology and alchemy since my childhood. It is an honor and a blessing to be able to share my gifts and passions with you via my courses and soulful coaching.
Being blessed with the wonderful teachers, mentors, and tapping into the power of right timing, I started learning Zi Wei Dou Shu 6 years ago and have been using it effectively to assist determined entrepreneurs and executives achieve remarkable results! Via this course, I am looking forward to embarking a beautiful journey with you.