What is Feng Shui, and Can it Change Your Life?

(pronounced as Fung shoay) is geomancy, the of placement. The Chinese have used feng shui for over 4,000 years and applied it to many aspects of life.
The main goal of is to create harmony with nature and the universe. is all about . It's about getting rid of and replacing it with . The ultimate goal is to achieve , harmony, abundance, and in your and ultimately in your .
is one of those things that fascinates many, but few understand its true meaning. Some associate it with cleaning and reorganizing furniture, but it is much more than that. Today, I will dive into the meaning of and share my experience and knowledge. I will clarify how it can help change your is a Chinese Metaphysics modality or system that allows for creating a harmony of in a given . This , or Chi, affects our lives positively and negatively. Many believe that adjusting energy in their space with good Feng Shui can positively change their lives. with better outcomes and success.
What does mean?
The term “ means “wind and water.” means wind, and means water. The concept of originated in China thousands of years ago. is an ancient Chinese practice that uses the environment's to activate, improve, and enhance the flow of qi, or force , in your home or office. practitioners and students believe that following the principles of can help you live a happier, less stressful, abundant, and more successful .
The Five Major Arts of Chinese Metaphysics include the practice of feng shui. , like other modalities, has its secret codes to manifest abundance, improve your luck, , and overall . Improve and, sometimes, enhance your health, finances, business, career, and relationships. These various modalities are categorized under the Five Major Arts known as “San-Yi-Pok-Ming-Xiang,” collectively known as Wu Shu (五 術), dating back to 256 BC. is one of the departments or categories of these Five Major Arts, just like mathematics is a category of the Five Major Sciences. Wu Shu covers the following five categories.
- San covers the Mountain Arts
- Yi covers the Medicinal modalities
- Pok covers Divination aspects
- Ming or destiny science covers Astrology modalities
- Xiang covers Physiognomy
Orienting oneself concerning Physiognomy or physical appearance includes observations of the human body, its features, and natural forms in the environment. Different types of , name reading, and palmistry, are included in this category. The most predominant practice today, indeed, is . and physical features, such as facial expressions,
There are many different schools of , but most agree on the basic principles. The main goal of is to create a , residential or commercial , that is balanced and harmonious. Another goal is to activate the Qi of the area where you live and or work. The third goal is to invite the Qi-flow from outside your to enhance various aspects of your , health, relationships, , academics, career, , and finances.
What is Qi or ?
All is called qi. It flows through the body and the environment. Qi originates from Heaven and Earth, flows from the eight cardinal directions, and is activated by humans. The quality of determines the health and wellness of relationships, health, property, and environment. Identifying natural chi mouth or source is crucial for and with better and .
How to activate Qi?
Activating your qi requires a harmonious . A pleasant is well thought out, has a strong foundation, and is balanced.
How to enhance Qi?
This can be done by arranging your furniture and accessories according to the five elements, flying stars on your astrology charts, balancing energies and components, and changing , there are some simple tips you can use to improve your . . Even if you don't want to follow all of the rules of
How can change your ?
I believe work- is a myth. It is a desire, not a reality. However, we can use this desire to create a lifestyle that supports moderation and discipline. This approach helps us understand our personal timings and learn when to ebb and flow. Thus creating a between environments - both our internal and external environments. This concept in Chinese is called the Woo-Wei.
We want to achieve calmness, clarity, and a sense of confidence. is one way to help achieve it. When your environment is supportive of your and goals, you feel more at ease and have a sense of calmness. This can lead to a healthier, joyful lifestyle, essential for overall health and well-being. Decluttering your can also help create a sense of and can open up new opportunities in your career. You may also find that you are promoted or experience an increase in finances. Overall, can help create a more harmonious for you and bring about .
There is something about the idea of that just seems to resonate with people. Maybe it is because can be so personal, or perhaps it is because really can change your . I will leave that to you to explore. If you feel a pull towards personal , I invite and encourage you to reach out and book a consultation. In the meantime, here are some ways that can change your for the better:
- can help you find , your happy spot, in your . This can be especially helpful if you feel like you are constantly running around and never have time to relax. When you are calm and energized, you will find that you have more time and to focus on the things that are important to you.
- Just like you would take care of your car to ensure that it runs smoothly, you can take care of your home environment using to have a pleasant and peaceful place to live in.
- can open doors of possibilities for you. Enhance your charm and attractiveness to gain attention or recognition at work, within a team, with a loved one, boss, partner, or in business dealings.
- Accurately aligned Qi flow via can support your growth in , business, relationships, career, and even finances.
- And if your goal is improving your health and wellness, a definitely can help you achieve your goals. Remember, not all masters are astrologers. But most Chinese astrologers are consultants.
The history of
The Chinese have practiced feng shui for over 3,000 years. The goal of is to create a conducive to health and by using the principles of and harmony. Many people believe that can change your , but what is it exactly?
is the art of arranging your home or office to create or Chi. Chi is the force that flows through everything in the universe. Ancient Chinese believed when you have good Chi in your home or place of work, you are said to be more productive, have better luck, and be healthier and happier. There are many things you can do to improve your , such as adding plants, water features, and crystals, and arranging your furniture to promote and harmony and activities the flow of qi in your .
The different aspects of
There is a lot of mystery and misconception around . Some Feng Shui practitioners believe that having bad Feng Shui in your home can lead to health problems, financial instability, and even relationship issues. Others claim that by making simple changes to the layout and decor of your home, you can improve your in all areas. As a Feng Shui practitioner myself, I apply the practical and personalization aspects of activating and enhancing the elemental energies to solve problems, inspire my clients, and help create opportunities for success.
So can really change your for the better? Fortunately, the answer is yes, it can. In fact, can improve your in every area - financial, emotional, and physical. is all about elemental and harmony of energies in your environments.
Different Schools of
There are various schools of with different philosophies. Some schools focus on how to stimulate through colors or objects. Others focus on how to through arrangement or furniture placement. And then, some schools focus on flying stars and personalized to match the and stars on a person’s astrology charts or map.
Different schools and philosophies of can make it confusing to understand. The most popular types of include Black Hat, Classical, Compass, Form School, and Modern. Each school of has its own set of rules and guidelines on how to use the principles to improve your .
However, there are two primary schools of , out of which all the rest have originated. The San He School of and The San Yuan School of . San He school follows the Triangle Harmony System. The San Yuan School follows the concept of three cycles - Heaven, Earth, and Man. The basis of the San Yuan system revolves around the idea of the 9 flying stars. These nine stars have references to the original North Dipper constellation and the Zi Wei Dou Shu Stars.
Since there are many different schools of , each one claims to have the correct answer for how to arrange your home and furniture to optimize the flow of . However, it is not always about arranging or re-arranging your furniture or adding the right colors and objects. Some people hire a to help them create a personalized plan. In contrast, others use books or online resources to do it themselves. As a , I believe personalized based on your destiny charts or astrology charts is more powerful and creates results faster. Many of my clients have achieved remarkable results through personalized .
The benefits of using
There are many benefits to using in your . Some people believe that can change your for the better. Here are some of the benefits of using :
- can help you to find and keep love. If you want to find your perfect match or keep the one you have, try using some in your home. For example, make sure your bed is not directly in alignment and facing the door that when you lay down on your bed, your feet are pointing to the door. This is not good for your force that needs rest when sleeping.
- can help you to earn more money. One of the primary purposes of is to create a harmonious flow of in your environment. When your is balanced, it is easier for positive things to come into your , including money.
- can help you to have a better relationship with your partner. In fact, in Chinese culture, the number "3" is the number of harmony and .
- can help you to live longer. Activation of spiritual development, knowledge, and learning to anticipate, forecast, strategize, plan, and take the right action at the right time is a learned skill. By tapping into the four energy realms, one can learn to manifest abundance.
- In ancient Chinese medical treatises, the number "5" is associated with longevity. According to the Theory of Harmony and , five elements make up the around us: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.
The five principles of
To understand , one must first understand the five basic principles on which it is based:
1. The principle of yin and yang: This principle states that everything in the universe is composed of two opposites in a constant state of . For example, night and day, hot and cold, female and male.
2. The Five elements principle of harmony: This principle teaches that all aspects of our lives must be in for to be harmonious. The five elements have productive and destructive cycles, thus leading us how to create harmony with our internal and external environments.
3. The principle of time: In , we must also understand the power and challenges brought in by the flying stars - facing stars, sitting stars, annual, and month stars. Given that we have 9 different flying stars, there are 9×9 combinations. This gives us a grand total of 81 combinations. In the flying star system, there is a concept called timeliness. It can be a 20-year cycle, or it can be a strength based on the environment, or it can also be the way the house was structured - floorplan, door-facing/location, building facing, etc.
4. The principle of five aspects of Qi-flow: By understanding and manipulating the flow of qi in your environment, you can improve your . This ancient Chinese philosophy has been used for centuries to improve health and relationships.
5. The principle of can help you find solutions. based on Luo Shu: Luo Shu is a map of in your . It is based on the Eight Trigrams of Chinese philosophy. The Luo Shu map can help you understand the in your home and office and show you how to create more and harmony. The map divides into nine areas: career, money and wealth, family and relationships, health, creativity, knowledge, helpful people, travel and adventure, and finally, spirituality. Each area corresponds to a different aspect of . You can use the Luo Shu map to help you choose furniture and accessories for your home or office. You can also use it to determine which areas of your need more attention. If you have problems in a specific area of your , a
Unblock your Qi with Flying Stars
The true secret and success to is the way it is applied. Feng Shui practitioners use many different techniques, but one of the most popular is Flying Stars Feng Shui. This method uses your home's layout and orientation to calculate which stars are impacting your . Based upon your goals and challenges, you can review internal and external aspects to identify your Chi block. Facing stars 8, 9, 1, and 6 are all considered essential elements for . When you encounter a problem, you can look at both internal and external aspects of your property and identify where or which part of your is experiencing a block. For example:
- Facing Star 8 is about constant cash flow, liquidity, and opportunities.
- Facing Star 9 is about marketing and the market. This is a crucial star as we are transitioning to Period 9.
- Facing Star 1 is about nobility and resources, and
- Facing Star 6 is about leadership and execution.
Generic vs. Personalized
Generic is what you find in the books and online resources for your learning experience. These are concepts and ideas that are good to learn and understand. However, the generic solutions or remedies do not work all the time because generic only identifies one or maybe two aspects of evaluation. Most commonly, generic may educate you on the 5 elements, the Luo Shu Map and the Later Heaven Bagua Magic Square. Or it may teach you the concepts of evaluating the natural forms in your environment. It never takes into account the and flow of the residents living under the same roof.
Personalized evaluates and takes into account the following factors:
- Your property's Qi Map is based on House Facing and Door Location, along with when the house was built and when you moved into the property.
- Personal favorable and unfavorable directions of all the family members living under the same roof.
- Your external environment, natural forms and features, the prominent Qi mouth, and the flow of Qi entering your house.
- QiMen to help activate the for manifesting and achieving your goals.
- Zi Wei to trigger the positive or mitigate the negative influences based on your chart.
Overcome your challenges and achieve your goals with Personalized
While there are many different interpretations of , the basic premise is to create a that supports your goals and helps you overcome challenges. If you're interested in trying to improve your , the first step is to assess your current . Look at your surroundings and ask yourself what you would like to change. Are you feeling stuck or struggling with a particular challenge? Personalized can definitely provide you with solutions and help you solve your problems.
If you are fascinated by , download a Sample Personalized report based on the I offer to my clients. See for yourself the details I provide and how personalization has a to creating and manifesting abundance following various .